Published : 2018-12-30

The Use of Information and Telecommunications Technologies in Polish Enterprises - Evaluation and Recommendations

Beata Dylewska


The aim of the article is to analyze the use of information technology to foster sustainable and responsible development in enterprises. The practical goal is to present how information technology is used in enterprises, to identify and assess current trends and make recommendations regarding the use of information technologies in enterprises to enable its sustainable and responsible development. The study describes the use of ICT in Polish enterprises in Poland and various levels at which it affects people's lives. Recent years have shown a significant increase in the importance of ICT, including the use of mobile technologies in business operations. However, in order to be used effectively, ICT technologies require a certain number of specialists and specialized training for employees. (original abstract)


Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Technological development, Computerization of the company





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Dylewska, B. (2018). The Use of Information and Telecommunications Technologies in Polish Enterprises - Evaluation and Recommendations. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 18(18), 71–89. Retrieved from

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