Published : 2022-12-07

Transparency in relations with contractors: the case of Budimex and other construction companies operating in 2018-2020 and during the COVID-19 pandemic

Patrycja Dutka

Angelika Stołecka

Mateusz Janiak


The article focuses on the relationship between effective company management and transparency in dealings with contractors during an economic crisis. The economic situation changed significantly as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. For many companies it was a time marked by limitations and the need to estimate risks associated with further business operations. This is why many companies decided to introduce new health and safety standards and establish safe procedures for dealings with contractors. The author analyzes how selected construction companies implemented health and safety policies in response to the pandemic and how transparent they were in relations with contractors. The analysis focuses on the performance of the studied companies in the period 2018–2020, taking into account the number of completed construction projects, generated revenues and the return on net equity. The analysis does not provide conclusive evidence to support the existence of a correlation between transparency and economic results achieved by the studied companies.


transparency, health and safety standards, economic crisis, COVID-19 pandemic, property market, building industry





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Dutka, P., Stołecka, A., & Janiak, M. (2022). Transparency in relations with contractors: the case of Budimex and other construction companies operating in 2018-2020 and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 21(21), 47–64. Retrieved from

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