Published : 2024-05-27

Civic budget as an indicator of the needs of the inhabitants of the Silesian province in 2019-2021

Adrianna Siostrzonek-Sergiel

Natalia Makurat

Martyna Temich

Katarzyna Drabik


The aim of the research was to identify the needs of the residents of the Silesian province on the basis of the allocation of civic budgets of individual municipalities in 2019-2021. The authors collected data on civic budgets through public information mechanisms. The data included not only information on the earmarking of budgets, but also quantitative data on the number of projects carried out and the funds allocated for them.

The results of the qualitative research show that residents of the Silesian region are most willing to allocate civic budgets for tasks related to sports, entertainment and culture. These are the needs that the region's residents consider to be either the most important or not satisfied to the expected degree. In second place are needs related to order and security. Further down the list, residents of the Silesian region support road infrastructure projects. In contrast, projects to finance housing needs, as well as local public transportation, are the least popular. A somewhat sad observation was the reluctance of municipalities to allocate participatory budgets for activating seniors.


municipal budget, citizen budgets, Silesian province





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Siostrzonek-Sergiel, A., Makurat, N., Temich, M., & Drabik, K. (2024). Civic budget as an indicator of the needs of the inhabitants of the Silesian province in 2019-2021. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, (ONLINE FIRST).

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