Published : 2019-12-30

Self-Management and Its Importance for Achieving Professional and Personal Aims

Joanna Stoińska


Self-management belongs to the field of management sciences. As a discipline, it introduces complex and lesser known aspects worth further investigation. The article describes an experimental research project and presents results of a study on the importance of developing self-management competences for achieving professional and personal goals. The main objective of the article is to present and describe possible solutions for improving employee efficiency that are based on one of the latest currents in management theory. It involves increasing the employees' ability to manage themselves over time by developing individual components of the concept. Results of the study indicate factors that help to improve professional and personal effectiveness of employees through an individual approach and the acquisition of specific skills. The concept of self-management includes such elements as emotional intelligence, work organization, decision making, career planning and development, and stimulation of internal motivation. Although team diversity is important from the perspective of business success, competences remain an important aspect in individual work. The article highlights the importance of employees' soft competences, which are often higher than their IQ level and qualifications and matter more in the process of achieving goals in the business context. (original abstract)


Time management, Emotional intelligence, Work effectiveness, Work organisation, Career motivation, Career management, Employees competencies, Soft competencies, Career planning





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Stoińska, J. (2019). Self-Management and Its Importance for Achieving Professional and Personal Aims. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 19(19), 103–119.

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