Published : 2019-12-30

The Influence of Tourists' Experience of, Attachment to and Dependence on the Region and Their Perception of Other People's Behaviour in the Tatras

Sandra Kasprowiak


The aim of the article is to identify the relationship between tourists' experience of, attachment to and dependence on the Tatras and their perception of the behaviour of other visitors to the region (particularly the Tatra National Park). The author hypothesizes that the growing number of tourists intensifies the recreational conflict and leads to the increasingly negative perception of depreciative behaviours and the environmental impact of tourism on the part of more experienced tourists, with a higher level of attachment to and dependence on the region in question. The author concludes that people dependent on the Tatra Mountains tend to be more critical in their assessment of tourist behaviours that have an impact on the local environment. Tourists who are emotionally attached to the Tatras are more liberal in their perception of the environmental impact of others, while those with more experience are less sensitive to the depreciative behaviour of others. In the case of the other hypotheses, there is no significant relationship between a person's experience of, dependence on and attachment to the region and the way they perceive other people's behaviour in the Tatra Mountains. (original abstract)


Tourism, Social behaviour, Perception, Tourist movement





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Kasprowiak, S. (2019). The Influence of Tourists’ Experience of, Attachment to and Dependence on the Region and Their Perception of Other People’s Behaviour in the Tatras. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 19(19), 121–143.

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