Published : 2019-12-30

The Phenomenom of Debt and Its Connection with Selected Factors

Anna Rowska-Sopel


According to the InfoDług report published in March 2020 on the basis of data from the Economic Information Bureau Infomonitor and the Consumer Reporting Agency (Biuro Informacji Kredytowej), the number of unpaid liabilities in Poland in 2019 continues to increase, compared to 2018 and 2017. The growing problems with the repayment of liabilities and debtors' insolvency attract attention and are the subject of numerous analyses. This article presents a study in which the author investigates the relationship between the poor condition of the debtor's finances and the level of their financial and banking knowledge, skills and competences in this area. Other factors analysed in this respect include the knowledge of clauses in credit agreements before they are approved, the preparation of solvency analysis before entering into a legal obligation, knowledge and use of methods to reduce liabilities. The investigation also focuses on areas of knowledge acquired by respondents, taking into account specific areas of law, such as enforcement proceedings, consumer bankruptcy, the statute of limitations on debt, all of which determine the debtor's position with respect to the creditor. (original abstract)


Indebtedness, Personal finance, Budgets of households, Debt reduction, Household debt, Empirical researches





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Rowska-Sopel, A. (2019). The Phenomenom of Debt and Its Connection with Selected Factors. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 19(19), 199–217.

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