Published : 2019-12-30

Proposed Directions for Changes in the Polish Healthcare System - Remarks on the Functioning of Independent Public Healthcare Facilities

Piotr Pawłowski


The article presents the excessive centralisation of the Polish healthcare system as the cause of its low efficiency and the relatively low level of health care services. By applying dogmatic, theoretical and legal analysis of the act on therapeutic activities, the author describes the structure of the Polish health care system and the existing catalogue of health facilities, taking into consideration regulations governing the creation, administration and liquidation of independent public healthcare facilities, selected competencies of a creating body and the director of a healthcare facility. The author concludes that in the long term the legislator should undertake a thorough reform of the health care system in Poland. (original abstract)


Health care, Independent public health care facilities, Public administration, Local government units, Medical services, Health care system





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Pawłowski, P. (2019). Proposed Directions for Changes in the Polish Healthcare System - Remarks on the Functioning of Independent Public Healthcare Facilities. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 19(19), 219–236.

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