Published : 2017-12-30

The Relationship between a Person's Level of Self-esteem and Their Perceived Level of Professional Competences

Dominika Rumińska


Employees with well-developed professional competences, interested in their work and managed efficiently, can support the company on its way to achieving goals. An employee's selfesteem is an important psychological factor, which can affect the way they perform their duties. The purpose of this article is to deter-mine whether an employee's self-esteem can improve or diminish the way they perceive their own professional competences. Results of a questionnaire survey reveal that there is a low correlation between the level of self-esteem and the perceived level of an employee's professional competences. However, based on the analysis of the data, it can be concluded that self-esteem is a very important factor, which can have a direct impact on the functioning of an individual in the organisation. (original abstract)


Employees competencies, Self-esteem, Employee behaviours, Human resources, Human psychology





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Rumińska, D. (2017). The Relationship between a Person’s Level of Self-esteem and Their Perceived Level of Professional Competences. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 17(17), 143–158. Retrieved from

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