Published : 2016-12-30

Flexible Forms of Employment - what Employers Know and Think about Them and to what Extent Use Them

Monika Mazurkiewicz


Faced with changing conditions in the labour market, employers and employees have to resort to non-standard, flexible forms of employment. This article compares the current situation in the Polish labour market with that in other EU countries, with special emphasis on the idea of flexicurity. It also presents potential opportunities and challenges associated with flexible employment. The study described in the article is based on a questionnaire survey designed to check employees' or potential employees' level of knowledge in this area. The results indicate insufficient familiarity with flexible employment, often limited to its most popular forms. The findings also reveal a correlation between respondents' willingness to be employed under non-standard contracts and their knowledge, level of education or professional experience. (original abstract)


Labour market flexibility, Flexible employment, Employment forms, Labour market





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Mazurkiewicz, M. (2016). Flexible Forms of Employment - what Employers Know and Think about Them and to what Extent Use Them. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 16(16), 27–49. Retrieved from

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