Published : 2016-12-30

Private Sector Development (PSD) as an Instrument of the Dutch Development Cooperation Policy

Bartosz Skwara


The support for PSD in recent years has become one of the main topics analyzed as part of the policy review of the Dutch development aid. In the era of globalization and in the face of new challenges, the existing channels of foreign aid turned out to be ineffective; a new approach was required. By abandoning traditional solutions and replacing them with innovative ideas, it was possible to create a better investment climate for the private sector in donor-beneficiary relationships. Having noticed opportunities for the Dutch business sector, the Dutch government has committed itself to mobilising its involvement. The article analyses the reasons for the exceptionally intensive involvement of the Dutch government in the development of the private sector. It also describes the characteristics of the participants, institutions, mechanisms and instruments of PSD as instruments of development cooperation. (original abstract)


Private sector, Private sector in economy, Assistance programs, Development aid





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Skwara, B. (2016). Private Sector Development (PSD) as an Instrument of the Dutch Development Cooperation Policy. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 16(16), 51–66. Retrieved from

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