Published : 2016-12-30

Growth Potential of Private Banking in Poland

Julita Tyrakowska


Over the last several decades there has been a dynamic increase in the number of wealthy people and the value of accumulated wealth, both nationally and globally. As a result of this trend, it has become necessary to introduce a new field of banking, catering for the needs of this special group of clients. This has led to the creation of private banking, which is an personalised system of financial and non-financial services for individual clients. Private banking in Poland differs from similar banking services offered in foreign markets. It has its own unique character and features that distinguish it from other banking services. The aim of the article is to examine the growth potential of private banking services in Poland, taking into account opportunities and threats to their development. (original abstract)


Private banking, Banking services, Financial services, Society affluence, Banking development





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Tyrakowska, J. (2016). Growth Potential of Private Banking in Poland. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 16(16), 159–178. Retrieved from

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