Published : 2016-12-30

Investing in Property as an Alternative for Pensioners

Aleksandra Nowik

Michał Staniszewski

Katarzyna Utowko


Among the main reasons for the low level of pensions currently paid out and projected pensions of current employees are the frequent reforms of the Polish pension system and the resulting changes in the retirement age, combined with the lack of economic education and knowledge about possible ways of ensuring steady income in retirement. Despite many changes in public finance, the expected rate of replacement of current wages with future pensions is low. This article analyses the profitability of various forms of investing in property as a possible source of income for retirement. The aim of the study described in the article is to compare four alternative property-related investment options for retirement: sale of property, renting property, reverse mortgage and equity release. The analysis is conducted for a model household consisting of two parents and a school-age child and is based on data published by the Central Statistical Office and information collected from online property websites -, - between December 2015 and September 2016. (original abstract)


Pension arrangement, Investments in real estate, Mortgage, Perpetuity





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Nowik, A., Staniszewski, M., & Utowko, K. (2016). Investing in Property as an Alternative for Pensioners. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 16(16), 179–195. Retrieved from

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