Published : 2015-12-30

The Evolution of the Institution of the Consumer Insolvency in 2009-2016 - Opportunities and Risks

Aleksandra Bigaj


This article describes the issue of regaining due amounts form debtors, with emphasis on the period between the years 2014-2016 in Poland, when there were large amendments to the pre-existing Bankruptcy Law, and consequently enforced. The substantially strict criteria, that had to be met by debtors willing to benefit from the existence of the consumer insolvency institution, caused the number of bankruptcy declarations to amount only up to 100 countrywide during five years after the implementation of the amended regulations. Amended regulations that entered into force in 2015 made the institution considerably more popular amongst Poles. The question arising therefore, is whether in the current legal state of things, are debtors able to exercise a higher level of protection than creditors. (original abstract)


Consumer bankruptcy, Bankruptcy law, Debt, Insolvency, Bankruptcy





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Bigaj, A. (2015). The Evolution of the Institution of the Consumer Insolvency in 2009-2016 - Opportunities and Risks. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 15(15), 13–25. Retrieved from

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