Published : 2015-12-30

The Influence of Recruiter Behaviour on Candidate Stress During an Interview

Magdalena Jaśkiewicz


The stress felt by candidates during interviews, affects an optimal presentation of their competence, an adequate recruiter evaluation, and builds a negative image of the potential employer. This article is an attempt to find the answer to which recruiter behaviours may increase or decrease the level of a candidate's stress. Literature and the author's experience supplied the material for analysis. Based on this, the author created two styles of interview: one less and the other more stressful. The hypothesis was verified by the recruiter's observation and the candidate's subjective opinions. The research showed a correlation between the less stressful style of interview and lower levels of stress and the more stressful style and higher levels of stress. This article is based on the author's own unpublished thesis (with a special focus on the research). (original abstract)


Employee recruitment, Interview, Psychological stress, Personnel selection





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Jaśkiewicz, M. (2015). The Influence of Recruiter Behaviour on Candidate Stress During an Interview. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 15(15), 47–67. Retrieved from

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