Published : 2015-12-30

Selection of Features from a Passenger Information System, Relating to Tram Stops, Using the Example of Public Transport in Poznan

Piotr Perliński

Paweł Łączny

Karolina Końpa


The paper presents a model of selecting features for the passenger information system of tram stops in the public transport system. Within this paper, the author has developed quantitative and qualitative criteria, which are helpful to evaluate and to assign tram stops to particular categories. Additional features of the passenger information systems have been suggested for specific categories of tram stops. The developed model and categorization of the tram stops can be useful for decision makers who deal with passenger information systems in public transport, especially in regards to the choice of features of the systems and appropriate equipment. (original abstract)


Municipal transport, Passenger transport, Local communication system, Logistics in the transport of persons, Passenger traffic, Transport management





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Perliński, P., Łączny, P., & Końpa, K. (2015). Selection of Features from a Passenger Information System, Relating to Tram Stops, Using the Example of Public Transport in Poznan. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 15(15), 217–230. Retrieved from

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