Published : 2014-12-30

The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Financial Situation of Cooperative Banks

Jakub Rajfur


The subprime crisis, having its base among other things in the wrong policy of the FED, and the price bubble in the real estate market, has quickly crossed the borders of the United States, and is now "infecting" not only financial institutions but also the economies of the "old continent". The chaos, beyond the capital markets, engulfed the banking system, which translated into a crisis of confidence. This led to a situation in which the bank's customers, relying solely on media reports, were not able to understand its genesis and estimate the potential effects. This article attempts to substantiate the reasons for the emergence of recent financial crisis and to assess its impacts on the Polish cooperative banking sector. For this purpose, a financial analysis of a group of selected cooperative banks was used, in which an audit by the Auditing Union of Cooperative Banks in Poznan was carried out. (original abstract)


Cooperative banks, Economic crisis, Banks finance, Financial crisis, Financial analysis, Subprime crisis





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Rajfur, J. (2014). The Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on the Financial Situation of Cooperative Banks. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 14(14), 67–85. Retrieved from

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