Published : 2013-12-30

International Determinants of the Conflict in Former Yugoslavia in Light of Weekly Polish Opinion Journalism in the Period of 1991-1995

Robert Kocyba


The fratricidal conflict after the collapse of Yugoslavia was the bloodiest event in Europe after 1945. The interests of world powers clashed here, revived long-standing ethnic conflicts, and the ghosts of history made themselves felt in very brutal way. A lot of attention to events in Yugoslavia, in the context of the response of the international community, has been devoted to the pages of Polish weekly opinion magazines. Two issues dominated: the role of the UN and the reaction of most European countries (including Russia), and the United States in the face of conflict. The UN has been criticized as bureaucratic and incapable of rapid and effective action to end the war. A severe rating was issued to the most important players on the European political scene. Analysis of the articles allows one to come to the clear conclusion that from the outset, the key to end the conflict was the conducive argument of the USA's military power. In the end, peace was negotiated not in the luxurious surroundings of The Hague, New York, or London, but in the American military base. (original abstract)


Economic journalism, Press, Media, World politics, International relations, Armed conflicts





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Kocyba, R. (2013). International Determinants of the Conflict in Former Yugoslavia in Light of Weekly Polish Opinion Journalism in the Period of 1991-1995. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 13(13), 57–82. Retrieved from

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