Published : 2013-12-30

The Role and Significance of the Ports of Szczecin and Świnoujście in Logistics of the Baltic Basin

Norbert Krakowski


This paper is concerned with the role and significance of the nautical ports of Szczecin and Świnoujście. In particular, it concerns itself with their lack of competitiveness when compared with other ports in the Baltic basin, including other Polish ports, as well as, the ports of Rostock and Lubeka. The author assesses the investments in the ports of Szczecin and Świnoujście planned for the years 2015-2030. The most important of them are a new quay of inner port and installation of utilities in the port of Świnoujście, and the rebuilding of intermodal transshipment infrastructure in the area of Dębickiego Canal in the port of Szczecin. The author also maintains that both ports need long-term and complex investment support since, otherwise, the Baltic Sea area may be deprived of two promising ports. (original abstract)


Seaports, Investment, Infrastructure, Maritime economy, Organization of seaports





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Krakowski, N. (2013). The Role and Significance of the Ports of Szczecin and Świnoujście in Logistics of the Baltic Basin. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 13(13), 83–89. Retrieved from

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