Published : 2013-12-30

Burnout, Work Engagement, and Job Satisfaction in Social Services Professions

Karolina Oleksa


The aim of this article is to review leading concepts of burnout, job satisfaction, and work engagement. Moreover, the article aims to verify hypotheses about the prevalence of these three variables among people with social services professions. The reference group consists of people with occupations other than those in social services. In addition to this hypothesis, the author verified a research question which aimed to distinguish the organizational factors associated with burnout through the dimensions of emotional exhaustion and loss of work engagement among practitioners of social service and non-social service professions. Job satisfaction was measured by the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS, 1994) developed by Paul Spector. Work engagement was examined by the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES, 2003) constructed by Wilmar Schaufeli and Arnold Bakker. Burnout was examined by the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI, 2003) constructed by Evangelia Demerouti. (original abstract)


Professional burnout, Employees' engagement, Social activity, Industrial psychology, Job satisfaction





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Oleksa, K. (2013). Burnout, Work Engagement, and Job Satisfaction in Social Services Professions. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 13(13), 109–124. Retrieved from

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