Published : 2013-12-30

Online Banking among Residents of Small Towns Using the Examples of Research Done in Poland, Germany, and the United Kingdom

Monika Skrzypczak


The purpose of this study is to diagnose the differences related to the use of online banking. The results are presented with the level of economic development of the different countries in mind - Polish, German and United Kingdom. This study will determine, based on surveys conducted between July-September 2013, the use of banking services offered through the internet in different countries, as well as, the degree of adaptation to technological development, which is introduced into the standard bank offers. The study allowed us to prove the thesis that both the age of the inhabitants of the village, as well as, the economic development of the country have an impact on the spread of online banking. (original abstract)


E-banking, Banking services, Virtual banking





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Skrzypczak, M. (2013). Online Banking among Residents of Small Towns Using the Examples of Research Done in Poland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 13(13), 125–145. Retrieved from

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