Published : 2018-12-30

Leadership and Management Styles in Caritas Organizations Governed by the Gliwice Diocese

Jolanta Adamczyk

Mateusz Bajer

Sabina Gajda


Organizations that have adopted the most appropriate style of leadership and management are much more likely to achieve their objectives and be successful. The article aims to determine the prevalent type of leadership and management style in Caritas organizations governed by the Gliwice Diocese. Given the strongly hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church and associated institutions, the authors hypothesized that the organizations investigated in the study would mostly rely on transactional leadership and directive (authoritative) management. The hypothesis was examined using data collected in a questionnaire survey. The results were analysed using the typology and descriptions of management styles proposed by Stefan Lachiewicz and Agnieszka Zakrzewska-Bielawska. It was found that in the target organizational units transactional leadership coexists with transformational leadership, while directive management goes hand in hand with the consultative management style. This could be indicative of changes affecting the organizations as an increasing number of lay (non-clergy) persons are involved in leading its local structures. (original abstract)


Leadership, Management style, Management of non-profit organization





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Adamczyk, J., Bajer, M., & Gajda, S. (2018). Leadership and Management Styles in Caritas Organizations Governed by the Gliwice Diocese. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 18(18), 13–29. Retrieved from

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