Published : 2023-09-04

Degree of construction and housing loan burden on household budgets in Poland in 2015–2021

Sandra Krajka


The subject of the article is the study of the degree of the burden of construction and
housing loan installments on household budgets in the years 2015–2021. The impact of the liability
on the finances of the above entities will be analyzed and assessed by comparing the amount of
the average disposable household income with the installment of the construction and housing
loan. The subject matter covered in the study is extensive not only due to the variable disposable
income of households, but also due to the constantly changing regulations of banks regarding interest
rates and commissions for construction and housing loans. It is assumed that the burden of
loan installments on households is very high, and a significant asset of the banking sector, which is
a construction and housing loan, has a significant impact on the financial capacity of consumers.


disposable income, houshold, construction and housing loan





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Citation rules

Krajka, S. (2023). Degree of construction and housing loan burden on household budgets in Poland in 2015–2021. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 22, 83–102.

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