Published : 2012-12-30

Cultural Determinants of Advertising

Magda Konkol


Culture and the components of culture, such as language, values, religion, law and aesthetics, are elements that come together and differentiate cultures. The world does not contain one set of universal values that are the same for every human society. Proper structure of information transmission for one culture does not mean the same success in another. There are many ways to respond to things, events and incentives that are seemingly the same, but different cultural circles have a personalized vision of the shape of their world. The distinction between specific components allows us to understand the consumer from distant parts of the world. However, there are similarities between cultures that allow us to create profiles, called cultural orientations, in order to be more specific to the countries national style of ads. The purpose of this paper is to present an important aspect of creating and adapting advertising to different cultural backgrounds. Culture plays a significant role in the proper formulation of advertising messages, which is why it is an important aspect in the creation of ads, and the subject of this paper. Among the many thousands of existing ads in different cultures, the author characterizes those most familiar to us, but which are still unlike one another because they are all from different cultures. (original abstract)


Cultural framework of advertisement, Advertising, Cultural differences, Marketing, Standardization





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Konkol, M. (2012). Cultural Determinants of Advertising. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 12(12), 109–128. Retrieved from

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