Published : 2019-12-30

Fiscal and Non-fiscal Consequences of Introducing Sugar Tax in the Polish Tax System

Michalina Budna


Like many other countries, Poland faces the problem of increased sugar consumption, which is one of the factors that can contribute to overweight and obesity. It is therefore necessary to find appropriate solutions that can reduce sugar intake. Tax instruments are becoming an increasingly popular strategy in this respect. The main goal of this article is to evaluate fiscal and non-fiscal consequences of implementing a sugar tax in the Polish tax system. The author presents the rationale for introducing taxes on unhealthy food and effects of introducing a sugar tax in selected countries. The article also provides a detailed proposal on how to construct a tax on unhealthy food. The analysis includes a comparison of after-tax prices of selected products for value added tax (VAT) and for the sugar tax (excise tax) as well as estimated tax revenues before and after the sugar excise tax is levied on a Coca-Cola type of drink. Finally, the non-fiscal effects of introducing the excise tax are discussed in the light of the latest literature. (original abstract)


Sugar, Consumption, Taxes, Tax system, Consumer behaviour, Eating habits of Polish people





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Budna, M. (2019). Fiscal and Non-fiscal Consequences of Introducing Sugar Tax in the Polish Tax System. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 19(19), 13–32.

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