Published : 2019-12-30

Managerial Competences and Employee Involvement: the Case of a Medium-Sized Enterprise

Krzysztof Buturla

Maksymilian Niekrasiewicz


From the perspective of the employer, committed employees are among the most important factors contributing to the effective operation of every company. Current tasks of employees are coordinated by managers at different levels, who perform their duties according to their competences. The article presents results of a study investigating the perceived impact of managers' individual competences on the management of employee engagement. The authors identify competences that play a key role and determine whether the perceived impact depends on specific characteristics of the organisation's departments. The analysis confirms the significant role of competences identified in the first part of the study but reveals differences in how the impact of these competences on involvement is perceived by employees and managers of particular departments. (original abstract)


Managerial competencies, Manager, Employees' engagement, Small business, Enterprise effectiveness, Personnel management





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Buturla, K., & Niekrasiewicz, M. (2019). Managerial Competences and Employee Involvement: the Case of a Medium-Sized Enterprise. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 19(19), 65–80.

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