Published : 2015-12-30

Identification and Analysis of Key Factors Supporting the Idea of Work-life Balance among Customer Service Representatives of ACN

Weronika Komorowicz


Conflict between work and personal life is an extremely current subject, especially at a time when man realizes himself not only through work, but also thanks to a successful private life. Can the imbalance in the work - home areas affect the decision to quit a job? The main goal of this article is to define the methods of effective counteractions of this negative phenomenon through the identification and analysis of key factors supporting the idea of a Work-Life Balance. The goal of this work will be to make recommendations for employer solutions in the areas that require the most urgent improvement. The goals were verified according to own research in the customer service department of an international organization functioning in the Contact Center industry. (original abstract)


Work-Life Balance (WLB), Customer service, Contact center, Working condition





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Komorowicz, W. (2015). Identification and Analysis of Key Factors Supporting the Idea of Work-life Balance among Customer Service Representatives of ACN. The WSB University in Poznan Graduate Research Journal, 15(15), 69–87. Retrieved from

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