Call for papers: Studia Periegetica 1 (45) 2024: "Tourism and Recreation in Urban Agglomerations"


We invite you to submit articles for the special issue of "Studia Periegetica" No. 1 (45) 2024 entitled: "Tourism and Recreation in Urban Agglomerations."

Deadline for submitting articles: December 15th, 2023. Publication of the issue: March 2024.

The topic of the issue covers contemporary benefits and problems resulting from the creation of a tourist and recreational function in urban centres. It will be a platform for exchanging knowledge, experience and the latest research results of scientists and industry institutions conducted in various cities worldwide.

The issue will cover the following topics:

  • Does the city have a limit? Spatial, social, and ecological boundaries of tourism development in the city.

  • Urban tourism and recreation in agglomerations.

  • Physical activity in urban areas.

  • Generational perspectives on tourism in cities (including the tourism labour market).

  • Accessible tourism in cities (considering the needs of tourists with disabilities and older people).

  • Stakeholder conflicts in tourism development in cities and ways to resolve them.

  • Opportunities for tourism development in agglomerations in the context of crisis conditions.

  • Creating the image of cities, and place marketing (including urban thematic trails, cultural heritage, and the city's natural system as a basis for tourism and recreational offerings).

  • Urban tourism management in agglomerations.

  • Utilizing modern technologies in urban tourism.

  • New trends in tourism and recreation in agglomerations.

  • Sustainable tourism development in cities (global, regional, and local perspectives).
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