Call for Papers – Special Issue on Challenges and Transformations in Contemporary Tourism and Recreation


Dear Colleagues,
We warmly invite you to submit the papers for the upcoming special issue of Studia Periegetica []:

No 2 (46) 2024 – "Challenges and Transformations in Contemporary Tourism and Recreation".
Submission deadline: 30 September 2024.

Publication Date: November 2024.

Editorial Team: Studia Periegetica Editorial Board.

Scope and Themes: As the landscapes of travel and leisure continue to evolve, the forthcoming special issue of Studia Periegetica aims to delve into the multifaceted challenges and transformations that define contemporary tourism and recreation. We invite original research, reviews, and theoretical papers that address the complex interplay between tourism development and its broad-ranging impacts on society, technology, and the environment. This special issue seeks to explore innovative perspectives and insights into emerging trends and issues reshaping the field.

Key Topics of Interest Include:

  • Gentrification and Digital Nomads: Investigating the impacts of modern tourism on the residents of tourist destinations. Papers may explore regulatory responses, socio-economic effects, and the changing urban landscapes due to these phenomena.
  • Short-term Rentals: Analysis of the rise of short-term rental platforms and their integration into new tourism models. Contributions could examine market dynamics, effects on traditional lodging industries, and implications for local economies.
  • New Models of Tourism: Examination of low-cost airlines and short-term rentals as components of the new tourism model. Studies might focus on sustainability, accessibility, and the democratization of travel.
  • Multifaceted Effects of Tourism Development: This includes environmental impacts, socio-cultural changes, and economic benefits or detriments. Submissions might address topics such as over-tourism, conservation efforts, and community engagement in tourism planning.
  • AI in Tourism and Recreation: Exploration of artificial intelligence applications in enhancing tourist experiences, optimizing business operations, or addressing sustainability goals. Contributions might cover AI in travel planning, customer service, or data analysis.
  • Health-focused Tourism: Discussion on tourism centred around health treatment and prevention. This could include spa tourism, wellness retreats, medical tourism, and their roles in health improvement and economic development.

Benefits for authors:

  • articles available in the Open Access formula,
  • no fees for publishing,
  • free proofreading,
  • the fast publishing process,
  • the journal is indexed in the following databases: ERIH Plus, EBSCO, Bilgindex, Crossref, Google Scholar, DOAJ, BazEkon, PBN, POL-Index,
  • journal during the process of evaluation to Web of Science and SCOPUS.
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