
“Studia Periegetica” is a multidisciplinary and international journal in which articles are published following the highest standards of publication ethics, using the double-blind peer review process, with each submission reviewed by at least two reviewers (selected by the editor depending on the field of expertise) and published under an open access license.

"Studia Periegetica" publishes empirical and theoretical articles that contribute to the development of academic knowledge and methodology in tourism, hospitality, recreation, and sustainable development.

The thematic scope of the journal includes issues of activity in the field of tourism and recreation of people, as well as enterprises, organisations, government and local government administration analysed from the multidisciplinary perspective of social sciences, humanities, life sciences, health and physical culture sciences.

The spatial scope of the journal includes works on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and developing countries (from Africa and others).

The Journal’s Mission
“Studia Periegetica” is a high-quality scientific journal exploring the socio-economic aspects of tourism and recreation. The journal provides a platform for debate and open exchange of ideas for scientists from Central and Eastern Europe, and developing countries (from Africa and others), representing various disciplines of social sciences and others.

The Publisher

“Studia Periegetica” has been issued since 2007. In 2007-2013 the journal was published by Wielkopolska School of Tourism and Management. Since 2013 "Studia Periegetica" has been published by the WSB Merito University in Poznan.

Publication frequency: semi-annually.

Language of publication: English and Polish.

Publishing forms: since 2019 the journal has been published online.

All articles are fully open-access.

Until the end of 2018, the journal was published as a printed version (circulation of 150 copies).

The publisher of the journal “Studia Periegtica” does not charge any fees for publishing articles.

Open Access Statement

“Studia Periegetica” complies with an open-access policy, meaning that all journal articles are available online to all users immediately upon publication.


Articles are licensed under an Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-ND 4.0), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/

This means that non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.

All users can use CC-licensed materials as long as they follow the license conditions:

BY – the user is free to adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material when proper attribution to the original source is provided (Attribution);

ND (NoDerivatives) — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.


Authors hold copyrights of their papers without restrictions.

Uniwersytet WSB Merito w Poznaniu
ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 5
61-895 Poznań
e-mail: journals@poznan.merito.pl
Uniwersytet WSB Merito w Poznaniu / WSB Merito University
ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 5
61-895 Poznań

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