Published : 2018-06-30

Cooperation of Polish Cities with Bloggers in the Area of Tourism Promotion

Magdalena Jakubowska


The purpose of this article is to determine the character and scope of cooperation between Polish cities and bloggers in relation to the promotion of tourist. The first part of the study is a literature review, including the results of research on the latest trends in the use of online opinion leaders (such as bloggers) in the field of tourism promotion. These findings provide the basis for highlighting particularly important issues involving cooperation with bloggers, which make up a system of cooperation. The second part of the article describes the concept and results of surveys on the subject of cooperation between Polish provincial cities and bloggers. The survey resultswere used to characterize the time range of this cooperation, its goals and form, the criteria for selecting bloggers and measuring the effects of cooperation. The cooperation was found to be non-systemic. (original abstract)


City marketing, Promotion of tourism, Blogs, Cooperation





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Jakubowska, M. (2018). Cooperation of Polish Cities with Bloggers in the Area of Tourism Promotion. Studia Periegetica, 22(2), 103–117.

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