Published : 2018-06-30

Pioneers of Tourism and Sightseeing from Konin

Maciej Łuczak


In Polish historiography, activities of promotors of tourism development in the city of Konin never attracted attention from regional historians or physical culture historians. More recently, however, there is a growing interest in this subject, e.g. a popular study discussing the 100-year tourist traditions in Konin has just been published. What is still missing are biographical studies of major promotors of tourism in Konin, and their particular contributions to the development of tourism in the interwar period and after World War II. The study presents short biographies of leading tourism activists from the industrial city of Konin, who were associated with various forms of tourism. The materials used in the study come from primary sources stored in the Konin National Archives, from magazine articles, memoirs, and various reports. The author included information from private collections or private chronicles, including personal correspondence and press clippings, in particular, materials written and collected by Andrzej Józef Miller. (original abstract)


Domestic tourism, Physical culture, History, Biography





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Łuczak, M. (2018). Pioneers of Tourism and Sightseeing from Konin. Studia Periegetica, 22(2), 133–143.

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