Published : 2017-09-30

New Urban Recreational Spaces in Postindustrial Areas and their Perception : the Case Study of EC1 Complex in Łódź

Justyna Mokras-Grabowska


The EC1 complex in Lodz (former power plant) is a new, rapidly changing urban space, which is strongly affected by its postindustrial heritage. This modern space is beginning to serve important cultural and educational functions, for inhabitants and tourists alike. It is gradually becoming an attractive recreational space and a tourist destination. The article describes issues connected with the process of creating new urban recreational spaces in redeveloped postindustrial areas. Moreover, it presents results of a diagnostic opinion poll designed to examine how the EC1 postindustrial complex in Łódź is perceived by visitors, taking into account their sensory perceptions, emotions and values. The study has shown that despite the dominant role of visual information, visitors are also affected by auditory, olfactory and tactile cues and appreciate attempts to retain the cultural heritage of new urban recreational spaces.(original abstract)


Urban tourism, Recreation, City revitalization, City perception





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Mokras-Grabowska, J. (2017). New Urban Recreational Spaces in Postindustrial Areas and their Perception : the Case Study of EC1 Complex in Łódź. Studia Periegetica, 19(3), 33–45. Retrieved from

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