Published : 2017-09-30

Sport, Recreation and Tourism Activities Conducted by Social Assistance Centers in Poland as a Way of Combating Social Exclusion of the Unemployed

Dariusz Jacek Olszewski-Strzyżowski


Social exclusion is not only associated with the lack of material resources and the inability to participate in the consumer society, but also includes insufficient and unequal participation in social, economic, political and cultural life, as a result of limited access to resources, goods and institutions, leading to the deprivation of social and cultural needs. Social exclusion is a multidimensional phenomenon. This term also refers to a situation in which a member of society cannot normally participate in civic activities, satisfy their needs, interests or participate in activities, such as recreation, sport and tourism. The aim of the article is to analyse activities organised by social assistance centres in Poland in the field of sport, recreation and tourism for the benefit of socially excluded persons. The study confirmed that such actions can significantly contribute to the inclusion of such persons in the normal course of social life and give them a sense of belonging.


Tourist attraction, Recreation, Social exclusion, Social assistance

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Olszewski-Strzyżowski, D. J. (2017). Sport, Recreation and Tourism Activities Conducted by Social Assistance Centers in Poland as a Way of Combating Social Exclusion of the Unemployed. Studia Periegetica, 19(3), 79–97. Retrieved from

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