Published : 2017-06-30

Tourism as a Factor in the Sustainable Development of Small Towns

Olga Liubitseva

Maryna Mykhaliuk

Tetiana Mykhailenko

Іryna Kоchetkova


The article refers to the settlement category of "small town" and addresses problems of small towns in Ukraine, which have arisen during the reconstruction of social relations at the turn of the 20th and 21st century. The authors analyze the current state of tourism and its prospects, distinguishing different types of tourism development, including cultural and educational (town), environmental - focused on the use of natural resources (ecotourism), and certain types of event tourism. One particular approach which can be applied in small Ukrainian towns as a way of helping them position themselves in the tourist market is the concept of "smart city." The idea can be used to increase the accessibility of small settlements for tourists and contribute to travel facilitation. It is assumed that town management which takes into consideration the needs of tourists may have a positive effect for the country as a whole.(original abstract)


Small town, Welfare state, Sustainable development





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Liubitseva, O., Mykhaliuk, M., Mykhailenko, T., & Kоchetkova І. (2017). Tourism as a Factor in the Sustainable Development of Small Towns. Studia Periegetica, 18(2), 51–64. Retrieved from

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