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Usuń Danilava N., 2015, Management organizational structure as the main element in the assessment of the effectiveness of the management system for sustainable development of the enterprise, Vestnik BGU, seriya 3(3): 86-90.
Farber S.C., Costanza R., Wilson M.A., 2002, The Dynamics and value of ecosystem services: Integrating economic and ecological perspectives, Ecological Economics, no. 41: 457-478, www.elsevier.com/locate/ecolecon [15.10.2015].
Hasna A.M., 2007, Dimensions of sustainability, Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Development: Energy, Environment, and Health, vol. 2(1): 47-57.
ISO 9004:2009 Managing for the sustained success of an organization. A quality management approach, www.iso.org/iso/catalogue_detail?csnumber=41014 [15.10.2015].
Krishans Z., Mutule A., Merkuryev Y., Oleinikova I., 2011, Dynamic Management of Sustainable Development. Methods for Large Technical Systems, London: Springer.
Mamingi N., 2011, Enterprise and Sustainable Development: Role, Challenges and Opportunities, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, vol. 2, no. 11-12, www.researchgate.net/profile/Nlandu_Mamingi/publication/228452480_Enterprise_and_Sustainable_Development_Role_Challenges_and_Opportunities/ links/0c96051a530ee913c4000000.pdf [15.10.2015].
Vysotskiy O.A., 2004, Teoriya izmereniya upravlyaemosti hozyaistvennoy deyatelnostyu predpriyatiya, Minsk: Pravo i ekonomika.
Vysotskiy O.A., 2013, Teoriya i metodologiya perehodnyh processov na primere mnogootraslevyh proizvodstvennyh predpriyatiy, Minsk: Pravo i ekonomika.
Vysotskiy O.A., Garchuk I.M., Danilava N.S., 2015, Osnovy ustoichivogo razvitiya proizvodstvennoy organizacii, Minsk: Pravo i ekonomika.
Young W., Hwang K., McDonald S., Oates C.J., 2010, Sustainable Consumption: Green Consumer Behaviour when Purchasing Products, Sustainable Development, vol. 18, no. 1: 20-31.