Published : 2016-06-30

The Importance of Sectoral and Regional Cooperation Network Coverage for Sustainable Tourism Development in Latvia

Kristīne Bērziņa


Sustainable tourism development concept defined by World Tourism Organization reveals a need for common network formation as a platform for cooperation between different tourism sectors and stakeholders. Additional reason for the growing interest in cooperation in tourism is the belief that organisations and destinations may be able to gain competitive advantage by bringing together and sharing their combined knowledge, expertise, financial capital and other resources for common goal. Cooperation networks can gain collaborative advantage not only for separate organisation, but the whole destination. Topicality of the problem is based on the global competition, heterogeneous nature of tourism industry, rapidly developing technological innovation, need for sustainable development set additional importance for cooperation in order to keep pace with the latest developments and new possibilities for cooperation networks. The aim of paper will discuss tourism industry sectorial and regional coverage of tourism associations and other formal networks in Latvia from the perspective of sustainable tourism destination development. Conclusions and suggestions are drawn for overall tourism industry as system development, cooperation network gap reduction by sectors as well as by regions and tourism organisation cooperation improvement in Latvia.(original abstract)


Tourism industry, Tourism organisation, Regional cooperation, Stakeholders, Global competition, Sustainable development, Sustainable tourism





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Bērziņa, K. (2016). The Importance of Sectoral and Regional Cooperation Network Coverage for Sustainable Tourism Development in Latvia. Studia Periegetica, 15(1), 83–97. Retrieved from

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