Published : 2016-06-30

The Role of Human Potential for Sustainable Development in the Chernihiv Region of Ukraine

Alona Revko


The article deals with the basis that human potential development is the most valuable resource of any society. Empirical research has been carried out to determine what expenditures and population opinion influence the formation of the human potential. The author's definition of "modernization of the human potential" has been suggested. The impact of income and expenditure of the household on the qualitative improvement of human potential was examined. It was established that education is the most important component of human development which provides wider choices for a person, shaping the quality of life. Implementing the method of facilitating as a basic tool of informal education was determined to be one of the directions of modernization of the educational system in Ukraine. It has been proved that overcoming negative effects in the employment sphere, improvement of the wage policy, and the development of social infrastructure are the priorities of sustainable development of within a region.(original abstract)


Sustainable development, Human capital, Development of human capital, Remuneration, Education, Social infrastructure





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Revko, A. (2016). The Role of Human Potential for Sustainable Development in the Chernihiv Region of Ukraine. Studia Periegetica, 15(1), 99–114. Retrieved from

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