Published : 2016-06-30

E-educational Resource for Simulator Training of Marine Engineers and Bachelors in Engineering

Mikhail Nikishin

Daniil Krymov

Natalia Ivanova


Sustainable development of the Baltic Sea region cannot be imagined without the continuous improvement of the quality of higher education. Maritime and ecological education takes a special role in the development of this region. Shipping has always had a significant impact on the environmental safety of the Baltic Sea. Safe and reliable operation of a ship's equipment allows to minimize pollution from ships. The electronic educational resource TotDesigner has been developed for simulator training of marine engineers and bachelor students in the sphere of engineering. This resource allows for the study of the principles of operation, as well as, the design of machines and devices used in maritime and coastal engineering. Through the use of TotDesigner it is also possible to solve various operational tasks. The TotDesigner system may be used in lectures, and in laboratory and practical exercises to consolidate theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The next step in the development of the software is to use mathematical modelling to predict the working modes of the ship's refrigeration plant. The implementation of this idea will improve the quality of a bachelor student's scientific-research competence formation in the sphere of engineering.(original abstract)


Maritime policy, Vocational training, e-education, Higher education





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Nikishin, M., Krymov, D., & Ivanova, N. (2016). E-educational Resource for Simulator Training of Marine Engineers and Bachelors in Engineering. Studia Periegetica, 15(1), 169–175. Retrieved from

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