Published : 2015-12-30

The Use of Selected Natural Values in the Iguazú National Park for the Practice of Adventure Tourism

Michał Faryś


The determinants of the natural environment of Argentina favour the development of adventure tourism. Adventure tourism is an important element of Argentina's economy. The unique nature values which distinguish the most visited natural park in Argentina, the Iguazú National Park, are used in various modern forms of tourism, pertaining to adventure tourism. Activities within this kind of tourism are characterized by relatively easy accessibility and the fact that they are widely practiced. Tourist activity on a protected area, such as a national park, acts differently on selected components of the environment. The article analyses the tourist offers allowing for the practice of varied forms of tourism in the Iguazú National Park, and attempts to evaluate the potential impact that adventure tourism has on natural values placed under special protection.(original abstract)


Tourism development factor, Recreational values ​​of the environment, Touring offer





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Faryś, M. (2015). The Use of Selected Natural Values in the Iguazú National Park for the Practice of Adventure Tourism. Studia Periegetica, 14(2), 83–104. Retrieved from

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