Published : 2015-12-30

From Degraded to Protected Areas : the Green Tourism in Black Bytom

Aleksandra Vierek


The exploitation of natural resources (mining, metallurgy of iron and non-ferrous metals as zinc, lead, and dolomites), that had lasted in the Bytom city for many centuries, resulted in both the transformation of many elements of the natural landscape and the perception on the city by the locals and incomers. Air, water, and soil pollution, worsening aesthetic landscape and impoverishment of biodiversity, numerous mining damages and the ensuing nuisance, is a picture of Bytom perpetuated over the years in the consciousness of the people. The paper presents other little-know green faces of the city. Nature rapidly occupied degraded and post-industrial areas with or without human assistance. Today, many of these areas are covered by legal protection: one is related to the protection of the area (nature reserve), and two additional forms of individual protection (documentation sites and three natural and landscape complexes). The author gave attention to touristic, recreational, and educational significances in both revitalized and protected green areas of the city.(original abstract)


Protected area, Urban studies, Degradation of the environment, Post-industrial areas





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Vierek, A. (2015). From Degraded to Protected Areas : the Green Tourism in Black Bytom. Studia Periegetica, 14(2), 105–122. Retrieved from

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