Published : 2015-12-30

The Possibilities of Using Former Military Facilities for Tourism in the Northern Section of the Międzyrzecz Fortified Area

Arnold Bernaciak

Renata Wiśniewska


Military installations can change their function in their life cycle. Originally, places used for military purposes can become objects of importance for tourist. Skilful use of these facilities may become a factor of tourism development in a given area. The buildings of the northern section of the Miedzyrzecz fortified area are of tourist value to the community of Bledzew. This value has not yet been used on a wider scale. Currently, it is an area of interest only to enthusiasts of the military in World War II. Creating a tourism product, based on these objects could contribute to their protection and popularization while developing tourism and recreation in the community.(original abstract)


Military equipment, Recreational values ​​of the environment, Local development





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Bernaciak, A., & Wiśniewska, R. (2015). The Possibilities of Using Former Military Facilities for Tourism in the Northern Section of the Międzyrzecz Fortified Area. Studia Periegetica, 14(2), 123–135. Retrieved from

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