Published : 2015-12-30

Slackline as a Pro-Health form of Physical Activity

Krzysztof Skibicki


Due to the constant chase for achieving professional success, human life is tied to a permanent stress. One of the forms of releasing stress is various kinds of activity and increasingly ones that are extreme. We require a total cut-off from everyday life issue, redirecting our attention to another track. Events that include elements of extremes are getting more and more popular. Undertaking this kind of activity requires a strong will and fortitude, as it helps to overcome our own weaknesses and fears. We are looking for new experiences that could provide us with an adequate dose of adrenaline. One such form is the Slackline. It is a new and dynamic form of physical activity. Its history is relatively short, but it is fast in shaping new trends and records. Slackline is all about body balance and this is done by walking on a tape stretched between two points. This activity involves people from all over the world who meet together during many competitions and festivals. Walking on the tape is not the only goal in itself. Currently, it is often treated as a lifestyle and philosophy of life.(short original abstract)


Pro-activity, Physical culture, Leisure time, Lifestyle





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Skibicki, K. (2015). Slackline as a Pro-Health form of Physical Activity. Studia Periegetica, 14(2), 157–169. Retrieved from

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