Published : 2015-06-30

Industrial-Subterranean Tourism : an Opportunity for the Silesian Region

Agnieszka Brenk


Economic change, such as the collapse of heavy industry and the enterprises associated with it, successive depletion of raw materials, revolutionary change in technological processes, globalization, or the concentration of production in a smaller number of plants, which took place in Poland at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, has left a number of post-industrial sites in the Silesia Province. One of the options for the development of this industrial legacy is to use it for tourist purposes. Tourism-related activities carried out in former production, manufacturing, and service facilities constitute an economic alternative for a number of post-industrial sites currently considered "dead zones". Their revitalization creates an ever growing number of innovative tourist products, which let tourists familiarize themselves with the history of the industry in an attractive way. It is thanks to them that we can appreciate the inventive genius of past researchers of that time. Associated with industrial tourism, subterranean tourism is a palpable proof to human ingeniousness. Sustainable preservation of this valuable urban space should be a high priority when the extremely difficult task of restructuring the area of Upper Silesia is undertaken.(original abstract)


Industrial district, Development of tourist facilities, Revitalization, Tourist attraction





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Brenk, A. (2015). Industrial-Subterranean Tourism : an Opportunity for the Silesian Region. Studia Periegetica, 13(1). Retrieved from

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