Published : 2015-06-30

Recreational Physical Activity in the Lifestyles of WSB University Students

Joanna Łuczak

Magdalena Kroma


Lifestyle belongs to one of the main factors determining human health. Health-promoting behavior is a duty nowadays, a lifelong obligation. The results of the research indicate worrying tendencies towards unhealthy behavior, which is in part that of low levels of recreational physical activity. This tendency also applies to academic youth. The presented results of research about the participation in recreational physical activity of students in Poznan are only a part of much a wider research concerning behavior, the level of knowledge, and the real health promoting research among students who choose majors in the WSB University in Poznan. The methods used were the diagnostic survey and questionnaire technique. The results of the research show an unsatisfactory level of knowledge and recreational physical activity of students, mostly ones in the academic major of Tourism and Recreation, which did not confirm the hypothesis. The hypothesis stated that the students studying this major are more active and have a greater knowledge about health promoting behavior.(original abstract)


Students, Tourist activity, Physical culture, Physical activity





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Łuczak, J., & Kroma, M. (2015). Recreational Physical Activity in the Lifestyles of WSB University Students. Studia Periegetica, 13(1). Retrieved from

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