Published : 2015-06-30

Determinants and Specificity of the Urban Recreational Areas of Curitiba

Jolanta Kijowska

Michał Faryś


Recreational areas, especially with a large proportion of varied vegetation cover, play a key role in the agglomeration. They provide multiple opportunities for active recreation and leisure in an urban environment with characteristics similar to natural ones, but created by man. Curitiba is a city which is a good example of the design "according to nature," which was initiated in the seventies by Mayor Jamie Larmier. Now the city can boast a very high percentage of green areas per inhabitant (up to 51,5 m2 per capita). In 1996, the city was recognized by the World Forum for Habitat II as the most innovative city in the world, particularly in terms of communication, environmental, and social solutions. The aim of this article is to analyze the multicultural urban recreation area of Curitiba, in particular, urban parks, forest parks and other recreational facilities, as well as, the factors determining their development, presentation of their specificity and diversity in the context of new trends, and the needs of the development of recreation in the city.(original abstract)


Urban agglomerations, Recreational values ​​of the environment, Touring offer





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Kijowska, J., & Faryś, M. (2015). Determinants and Specificity of the Urban Recreational Areas of Curitiba. Studia Periegetica, 13(1). Retrieved from

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