Published : 2024-09-15

Tourist Behaviour Patterns of Ukrainian and Other European Women — Similarities and Differences in Trips to Małopolska


The purpose of the article is to identify tourist behaviour patterns of women from Ukraine and other European countries. The two groups have been distinguished because of different conditions that determine their daily functioning, which indicate the significant role played by the geopolitical, economic and social environment in contemporary tourism. The empirical part is based on questionnaire data collected in surveys conducted in 2022–2023 among foreign female tourists visiting Małopolska. The Mann-Whitney U test and a chi-squared statistic were used to confirm the hypothesis stating that different conditions of everyday life determine tourist behaviour patterns of women from Ukraine and other European countries, which are manifested by statistically significant differences between both groups in many respects. The data indicate that Ukrainian women are more likely than tourists from other European countries to organize their trips independently and to travel with their families, but are less likely to travel by plane and tend to spend smaller amounts on tourism. Representatives of each groups were also found to have different travel motivations. Moreover, Ukrainian respondents were more likely than other European tourists to visit Małopolska again, although they reported feeling more concerned about travel safety.


tourism, women, Ukraine, Europe, war





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Seweryn, R., Niemczyk, A., & Gródek-Szostak, Z. (2024). Tourist Behaviour Patterns of Ukrainian and Other European Women — Similarities and Differences in Trips to Małopolska. Studia Periegetica, 45(1), 91–117.

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