Published : 2013-12-30

Contemporary Conditions and Determinants of Rural Tourism and the Function of Agritourism : Agrifarm Development Specializing in Ecology and Recreation

Olga Smoleńska

Aleksandra Machnik


Nowadays, there are many agrifarms and rural tourism objects in Poland. According to some definitions, not all of them could be labeled as strictly agritourist, but that is not so important for tourist. They are not only looking for the peace and fresh air of a rural place, but more so for some physical activity, attractions, and some knowledge about the region. Due to rising ecological awareness, visitors also pay attention to some modern solutions in construction, housekeeping and agrifarming. Furthermore, it is very important to implement some client satisfaction measuring methods, used in the hospitality industry. Relying only on one's own invention and quality of the natural and cultural environment seems to not be sufficient in contemporary agritourism and rural tourism. The aim of this paper is to visit some theoretical problems and indicate directions for agritourism development, especially in ecological and recreational areas. The authors want to draw attention to both problems, as they are very important but often forgotten.(original abstract)


Rural tourism, Agrotourism, Innovations, Touring offer, Ecology





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Smoleńska, O., & Machnik, A. (2013). Contemporary Conditions and Determinants of Rural Tourism and the Function of Agritourism : Agrifarm Development Specializing in Ecology and Recreation. Studia Periegetica, 10(2), 127–138. Retrieved from

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