Published : 2013-06-30

Shaping and Protecting the Tourist-Recreational Space on the Example of the Muskau Park (Park Muzakowski)

Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss


The Muskau Park constitutes the central place of the Muskau Bend Landscape Park. It is situated on the largest terminal moraine in the world. This article aims at evaluating the tourist valuables of the Park, their size and tourist development conditions. It presents the results of a poll conducted on a 100-peoplegroup of visitors to the Muskau Park. The poll was to determine the nationality of the surveyed tourists, the frequency of their visits, time they spend there, the number of accompanying persons, reasons of their visit, forms of tourism they practice, and their opinion on the tourism, landscape and leisure values of the historical facilities both on the Polish and German sides of the border. The questions will also consider tourism movement, tourist management, attractiveness, promotion of Muskau Park and the evaluation of tourist and leisure offer of the area. The conducted SWOT analysis will aim at describing the tourist values and chances of development for tourism in the Muskau Park. Thanks to the analysis, strong and weak points of the park will be emphasized. The article will propose forms of tourism which could become useful in activating the tourism and recreation aspect of the area. It will also suggest the forms of increasing tourist attractiveness and point out the threats for the values of the Park. The results of the SWOT analysis will be used to prove that the Muskau Park is predisposed for the tourism and recreation function. It is a domain of a large potential and possibilities for development. The conditions for this development lie within recognizing the social needs and expectations. Due to the insufficient tourist infrastructure and lack of a promotional campaign of a countrywide or even Europe-wide range, the tourism of Muskau Park and its values have not become widely known.(original abstract)


Tourism research, Tourism development factor, Tourism movement research, Touring offer, Tourist attraction, SWOT analysis, Questionnaire survey





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Ziółkowska-Weiss, K. (2013). Shaping and Protecting the Tourist-Recreational Space on the Example of the Muskau Park (Park Muzakowski). Studia Periegetica, 9, 31–41. Retrieved from

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