Published : 2013-06-30

Soldiers' Lifestyle as an Element of Healthcare and Health Promotion

Marek Sokołowski


Introduction: According to medical statistical data, health condition of Polish young generation is worsening. Both, children and adults, tend to suffer from lingering diseases. The reason for it is to be found in ageing of the society, lowering standard of life of many families in Poland, overuse of chemical substances, air pollution, alcohol abuse and a variety of alcohol-related diseases. Further factors to be blamed are: drug abuse and addiction, neglecting one's health condition or lack of physical activity. This is worsened by lack of sufficient financial means from the government for nationwide prophylaxis and treatment. One of essential elements of healthy life and good health is regular physical activity, taking care of wellness and fitness of one's body. Lack of physical activity may lead to numerous lingering diseases and disorders, mainly heart and circulatory diseases, obesity, vertebral diseases and spine curvature disorders, pulmonary diseases, etc. Physical activity is not only perceived as a significant factor in a human being development, but also a positive measurement of human health. Aim: To establish role of health in one's declared axiological system in the context of health education od candidates for professional soldiers. Material and method: The research was carried out among soldiers of the Land Forces Training Centre in Poznań. Results: Good health was rarely among selected symbols of personal happiness. Conclusions: New curricula for training of professional soldiers should be written in such a way that they provide support for candidates within the domain of healthy lifestyle with both, theoretical and practical knowledge.(original abstract)


Army, Lifestyle, Health, Physical culture, Soldier, Physical activity





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Sokołowski, M. (2013). Soldiers’ Lifestyle as an Element of Healthcare and Health Promotion. Studia Periegetica, 9, 105–113. Retrieved from

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