Published : 2012-12-30

Role of Parents in Developing Interest in Active Physical Recreation among Children at Kindergarten Age

Alicja Kaiser

Marzena Stelmaszewska


Aim: Physical recreation plays a significant role in raising quality of life and health of a contemporary man. This paper discusses an issue of family socialisation in their leisure time. The aim of the research is the analysis of pastime behaviours of parents and their role in developing interest in active recreation among children at kindergarten age. Material and method: The research was carried out in 2012 among parents of children at kindergarten age. Majority of respondents were men aged 31-37 years, with high school education, having two children aged 4-7 years. The research was carried out with use of poll method, using an authorial questionnaire. Results: Majority of the respondents declared that as children they had often participated in active forms of recreation. At present they hardly ever take up physical activity in their leisure time. The respondents prefer traditional forms of active recreation, they rarely take part in organised forms of recreation or make use of modern facilities. It has been noted that access to facilities which might enable the respondents rational organisation of leisure time is sufficient. However, the respondents do not make sufficient use of them. Conclusion: Parents need support from physical activity organisers. Those who organize joint family activities should adapt contents and offer to age of various family members. It is also important to provide professional care for children in sports facilities, which will enable parents, particularly mothers, attend organised sport activities more often.(original abstract)


Children, Childcare, Physical culture, Leisure time





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Kaiser, A., & Stelmaszewska, M. (2012). Role of Parents in Developing Interest in Active Physical Recreation among Children at Kindergarten Age. Studia Periegetica, 8, 75–88. Retrieved from

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